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Dr. Jacqueline I. Alvarez-Leite
Laboratorio de Gnotobiologia
Departamento de Bioquimica-Imunologia
Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas
Caixa Postal 486 - UFMG
30.161-970 Belo Horizonte
FAX: 55-31-441-5963

Dr. Julian L. Ambrus
Department of Medicine
SUNY @ Buffalo
Buffalo General Hosp., Rm E-320
100 High St.
Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 845-1399
FAX: (716) 845-1491

Dr. Piroska Anderlik
Semmelweis Univ. Med. Inst. Microbiol.
Nagyvarad-ter 4
H-1089 Budapest VIII
134-880, 137-070

Dr. Lynn C. Anderson
Merck & Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 2000, #R80-M160
Rahway, NJ 07065-0900
(908) 594-6179
FAX: (908) 594-5147
[email protected]

Dr. Karl A. Andrutis
Dept. Biomedical Sciences
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine
200 Westboro Road, Bldg. 20
North Grafton, MA 01536

Dr. A. F. Angulo
Graaf Janlaan 32
3708 GN Zeist

Johannes G. Asfaw
Duke University Medical Center
Box 3684
Durham, NC 27710

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Dr. Silvio Baez
260 Colonel Greene Rd.
RD 1, P.O. Box 170
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
(914) 962-7536

Mr. Larry Bahny
46 Cloverleaf
Lackawanna, NY 14218-2907
(716) 823-6338

Dr. Edward Balish
Depts. of Surg. & of Med. Microbiol. & Immunol.
Univ. of Wisconsin Medical School
1300 University Ave., 4638 MSC
Madison, WI 53706-1532
(608) 263-1670
FAX: (608) 265-3461
[email protected]

Mrs. Marion J. Balish
2 Shiloh Court
Madison, WI 53705
(608) 263-1670

Ms. Lindsay B. Barnes
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
C.L.A.S. Dept.
P.O. Box 1031
New York, NY 10029

Dr. Kenneth F.Bartizal, Jr.
Director, Drug Discovery & Evaluation BASR
Merck & Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 2000, #R80Y-255
Rahway, NJ 07065-0900
(732) 594-4170
FAX: (732) 594-6708
[email protected]

Mr. Donald Basil

Dr. Patricia M. Bealmear
65 Brooklea Drive
East Aurora, NY 14052-1917
(716) 655-1680
FAX: (716) 655-1680
[email protected]

Dr. D.W. van Bekkum
P.O. Box 2048
2301 CA Leiden
71-527-19-11 [s], 19-53
FAX: 71-527-19-01

Dr. David A. Benfield
Dept. Vet. Sci., P.O. Box 2175
South Dakota State Univ.
Brookings, SD 57007
(605) 688-5171
FAX: (605) 688-6003

Mr. Stephen Benigni
Allentown Caging Equipment Co., Inc.
Route 526, Box 698
Allentown, NJ 08501
(609) 259-7951; (800) 645-CAGE
FAX: (609) 259-0449

Dr. Robbert Benner
Dept. of Immunology
Erasmus University
3000 DR, Rotterdam, Box l738

Mr. Frank J. Benso
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-6000
FAX: (508) 658-7132

Mr. Guy R. Beretich
Dept. of Microbiology, Pathology, & Parasitology
Coll. Veterinary Med.
North Carolina State Univ.
4700 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27606
(919) 829-4278

Dr. R.G. M. ten Berg
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Laboratory Animals Dept.
Plesmanlaan 121
Amsterdam 1066 CX, Pays-Bas

Dr. Rodney D. Berg
Dept. of Microbiology& Immunology
L.S.U. Medical School
Box 33932
Shreveport, LA 71130
(318) 674-5762
FAX: (318) 675-5764
[email protected]

Dr. Jag Bhasin
Institute Biological Science
National Research Council
Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 993-9317
[email protected]

Dr. Barbara Blake
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
Ontario Veterinary College
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario
(519) 824-4120, Ext. 4428

Dr. Lamar Blankenship
Dept. Comparative Medicine
East Carolina Univ.
Greenville, NC 27858
(919) 816-2420
FAX: (919) 816-2355

Ms. Linda Blumenauer, Manager
Charles River Laboratories, Inc.
P.O. Box B, Bldg. 1021
Frederick, MD 21702
(301) 846-1203
FAX: (301) 846-6094

Dr. Gerald P. Bodey, Chrm.
Dept. Medical Specialties
U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Ctr.
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Box 047
Houston, TX 77030-4095
(713) 792-6830
FAX: (713) 794-1818

Dr. George H. Bornside
812 Saint Ferdinand St.
New Orleans, LA 70117-7370
(504) 945-3878

Dr. Donato J. Borrillo
Newmarket, England pd 98
PSC 41
Box 222
APO AE 09464
[email protected]

Dr. Nico A. Bos
Dept. of Histology & Cell Biology
Immunology Section
Oostersingel 691
9713 EZ Groningen
FAX: 31-50-633-528

Dr. Rachid Bounouader

Mrs. Maureen Bower
Taconic Farms, Inc.
273 Hover Ave.
Germantown, NY 12526
(518) 537-5200
FAX: (518) 537-7287

Dr. Guadalupe Bravo Tellez
Apartadd Postal 14-740
Centro De Investigacion Estudios
Avanzados Del I.P.N.
Mexico, 07000, D.F., MEXICO
52 (905) 797-7000
FAX: 52 (905) 797-7002

Mr. Herbert Brok
Lab. of Immunobiology
Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC)
P.O. Box 3306
2280 GH-Rijswijk
FAX: 31-15-284-3999

Mrs. Edith Bruckner-Kardoss
19678 Palisades
South Bend, IN 46637-2032
(219) 272-4691

Geza Bruckner
Division Director Clinical Nutrition
Director of Graduate Studies for Nutritional Sciences
Department of Clinical Sciences
CAHP 121 Washington Ave.
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40536-0003
(606) 323-1100 ext 246
FAX: (606) 257-1816
[email protected]

Ms. Lynn Bry

Dr. Gary R. Burleson
Burleson Research Technologies, Inc.
5706 Chapel Hill Road
Raleigh, NC. 27607
(919) 851-4499
[email protected]

Dr. Daniel Butler
Dept. of Clinical Studies
Ontario Veterinary College
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario
(519) 824-4120, Ext. 4012
FAX: (519) 767-0311
DButler@[email protected]

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Ms. Mandy Cantin
917 E. Chilson
Lansing, MI 48906
(508) 658-6000
FAX: (517) 372-2857

Dr. Robert J. Carman
1861 Pratt Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 231-5503
FAX: (540) 231-3942

Ms. Mary Lou Carson
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-3106; 6000
FAX: (508) 988-9093

Dr. Edward A. Carter
Pediat. GI
Massachusetts Gen Hosp.
149 13th St., 1493404
Charlestown, MA 02129
(617) 468-8441
FAX: (617) 726-4172
[email protected]

Dr. Philip B. Carter
Dept. of Microbiol., Pathol., & Parasitol.
College of. Veterinary. Medicine
North Carolina State Univ.
4700 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27606
(919) 513-6278
FAX: (919) 848-3166
[email protected]

Mr. Richard Carter
Harlan Sprague Dawley, Inc.
P.O. Box 29176
Indianapolis, IN 46229-0176
(317) 894-7521
FAX: (317) 894-1840
[email protected]

Dr. David G.M. Carville

Dr. Ivan A. Casas
Biogaia Biologics, Inc.
6213 Angus Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27606
(919) 782-3312
FAX: (919) 783-6940

Dr. Ethel Cebra
Dept. Gnotobiology
U. Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018
(215) 898-5599
FAX: (215) 898-9786
[email protected]

Dr. John Cebra, Chair.
Dept. Gnotobiology
U. Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018
(215) 898-5599
FAX: (215) 898-9786
[email protected]

Dr. Frank Chae

Dr. Frank W. Chorpenning
275 Hyatts Rd.
Delaware, OH 43015-9263
(614) 548-5728
[email protected]

Dr. Christine Cioffe
Merck & Co.
P.O. Box 2000
Rahway, NJ 07065
(908) 594-3943
FAX: (908) 594-3178

Dr. Marie E. Coates
Shepperlands Farm
Wokingham, RG40 4QF

Dr. Lezlee G. Coghlan
U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Science Park, Dept. Veterinary Sciences
Rt. 2, Box 151-B1
Bastrop, TX 78602
(512) 321-3991
FAX: (512) 332-5208

Dr. Isidore Cohn, Jr.
Dept. of Surgery
L.S.U. Medical Center
1542 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 568-4750
FAX: (504) 568-4633

Mr. Michael A. Coiro, Sr., Pres.
Allentown Caging Equip. Co., Inc.
Route 526, Box 698
Allentown, NJ 08501
(609) 259-7951
(800) 645-CAGE
FAX: (609) 259-0449

Dr. Michel Coste
Domaine De Vilvert
78353 Jouy-en-Josas

Dr. James Coti

K.C. Coulson, RLAT, RVT
House Ear Institute
2100 W. 3rd Street
5th Floor
Los Angles, CA 90057

Dr. Heather M. Cowley
Dept. Anatomical Science
University of the Witwatersrand
7 York Road, Parkstown
Johannesburg 2193
FAX: 27-11-643-6318
[email protected]

Dr. Luis Carlos Crocco-Afonso
Lab. de Gnotobiologia
Instituto de Ciencias Exatas e Biolog.
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
35400-000 Ouro Preto
FAX: 55-31-441-5963

Ms. JoAnne T. Croft
Univ. of Wisconsin Medical School
Gnotobiote Research Laboratory
706 Williamson St.
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 262-0456/0457
FAX: (608) 262-6042
[email protected]

Dr. Heather M. Crowley
Dept. of Microbiology
Univ. of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan-Smuts Avenue
Johannesburg 2050
FAX: 27-0-12-339-7377

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Dr. J. Dankert
Department of Medical Microbiology
Academic Hospital
University of Amsterdam
Meibergdreef 15
1105 AZ - Amsterdam

Dr. Judith A. Davis
Chief, AHCS
Natl. Inst. of Neurol. Dis. & Stroke (NINDS)
Natl. Inst. of Health
Bldg. 36, Rm. B125, MS 4206
35 Covent Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20892
(301) 496-9354
FAX: (301) 402-5424
[email protected]

Mr. Rick Deitrich
Lab Products, Inc.
11300 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 468-0250
FAX: (301) 468-3237

Dr. Tony del Rosario
Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology
Finch Univ. Hlth. Sci.
The Chicago Medical School
3333 Green Bay Rd.
North Chicago, IL 60064
(847) 578-8849
FAX: (847) 578-3349

Mr. Peter DeMarco
Transport Container Corp.
Germfree Mouse Shippers
P.O. Box 163183
Columbus, OH 43216
(614) 459-8140
FAX: (614) 459-9165

Dr. Stephen M. Dempsey, Head
Dept. of Comparative Medicine
Glaxo, Inc.
5 Moore Dr., 2.2210
Res. Triangle Pk., NC 27709
(919) 990-5417
FAX: (919) 990-6382

Mr. Deane Dennis
National Animal Disease Ctr.
P.O. Box 70
2300 Dayton Road
Ames, IA 500l0
(515) 239-8516
FAX: (515) 239-8458

Dr. Louis J. DeTolla
Dept. of Comparative Medicine
Univ. of Maryland @ Baltimore
10 S. Pine St., Rm. RMG100-MSTF
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 706-8536
FAX: (410) 706-8538

Dr. H. de Vries-Hospers
Lab voor Med. Microbiol. R.U.
Oostersingel 59
97l3 EZ Groningen
FAX: 31-50-633-528

Dr. Carlos Diaz
P.O. Box 1555
Logansport, IN 46947-9998

Mr. Fred H. Dickeson

Dr. Manfred Dietrich
Klin, Abteilung
Bernhard-Nocht-Institut. fur
Schiffs-und Tropenkrankheiten
Bernhard-Nocht-StraBe 74
D-20359 Hamburg
49-040/31 182, 390, 391
FAX: 49-040/31 182-394

Ms. Pat Dillon
Calgon Vestal
Steris Corporation
7405 Page Ave.
P.O. Box 147
(314) 535-3062
FAX: (314) 535-2998

Dr. Margaret H. Dohnalek
Manager, Licensing
Licensing and Acquisitions Dept.
Ross Products Div.
Abbott Laboratories
625 Cleveland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215-1724
(614) 624-4074
FAX: (614) 624-7313

Mr. Jack Drake
The Baker Co., Inc.
P.O. Drawer E
Sanford Airport
Sanford, ME 04073
(800) 992-2537; (207) 324-8773
FAX: (207) 324-3869

Mr. George P. Drewry
Horizon Micro-Environments
P.O.Box 216
Bowen Farm Road
Crawford, GA 30630
(800) 443-2498
[email protected]

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Mr. Dennis Eagleson
The Baker Co., Inc.
P.O. Drawer E
Sanford Airport
Sanford, ME 04073
(207) 324-8773; (800) 992-2537
FAX: (207) 324-3869

Dr. Thomas Elliott
Dept. of Radiation Med.
8901 Wisconsin Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20889-5603
(301) 295-0099
FAX: (301) 295-6503

Dr. Richard T. Evans
Department of Oral Biology
Rm. 223 Foster Hall
SUNY @ Buffalo Dental School
Buffalo, NY 14214
(716) 829-3819
FAX: (716) 829-3942

Dr. Hendrik J.M. Eyssen
Rega Institute
10 Minderbroedersstraat
Leuven B 3000
FAX: 32-16-337-340

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Dr. Walter R. Farkas
Dept. of Comparative Medicine
Univ. of Tenn. Coll. of Veterinary Med.
P.O. Box 1071
Knoxville, TN 37901
(423) 974-5716
FAX: (423) 974-5640

Ms. Betty Fatzle
Vice Pres., Lab Products, Inc.
11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 603
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 468-0250
FAX: (301) 468-3237

Dr. Judith Fenyk-Melody
Merck & Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 2000, #R80-M-160
Rahway, NJ 07065-0900
(908) 594-3961
FAX: (908) 594-4495
[email protected]

Ms. Mary Louise Fessenden
R.O.W. Sciences, Inc.
15 Firstfield Rd.
Gaithersberg, MD 20878
(301) 330-3732

Ms. Bonnie G. Fisher
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-6000
FAX: (508) 658-7132
[email protected]

Mr.Terrance F. Fisher
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-6000
FAX: (508) 658-7132

Dr.Robert J. Fitzgerald
Dental Research Unit (151)
Veterans Admin. Hospital
1201 N.W. 16th St.
Miami, FL 33125
(305) 324-4455, Ext. 3409
FAX: (305) 324-3126

Dr. Charmaine Foltz

Dr. Roger D. Fortney, President
Class Biologically Clean, Ltd.
2901 Latham Dr.
Madison, WI 53713
(608) 273-9661
FAX: (608) 273-9668

Dr. Henry L. Foster, President
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-6000
FAX: (508) 658-7132

Mr. James C. Foster
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-6000
FAX: (508) 694-9504

Dr. James G. Fox, Dir.
Div. of Comp. Medicine
Mass. Inst. of Technology
37 Vassar St., Bldg. 45-104
Cambridge, MA 02144
(617) 253-1757
FAX: (617) 258-5708
[email protected]

Dr. Rolf Freter
Dept. of Microbiology
Medical Science Bldg. II
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0620
(313) 764-7593
FAX: (313) 764-3562

Mr. Terry L. Fulk, Jr.
Dept. of Clinical Investigation
Madigan Army Med. Ctr.
Fort Lewis, WA 98431
(206) 967-6511
FAX: (206) 968-1044

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Mr. Michael D. Gautreaux
Dept. of Microbiol./Immunol.
LSU Med. Center
1501 Kings Hwy.
Shreveport, LA 71130
(318) 674-6142
FAX: (318) 674-5764

Dr. James G. Geistfeld
Dir., Lab. Animal Medicine
Taconic Farms
273 Hover Ave.
Germantown, NY 12526
(518) 537-5200
FAX: (518) 537-7287
[email protected]

Dr. Akira Ghoda
Kitasato Institute
Shirokane, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108
81-03-3444-6161, Ext. 2265
FAX: 81-03-3473-7500

Mr. Frank J. Gianni
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-3106; -6000
FAX: (508) 988-9093
[email protected]

Mr. Guillermo G. Gomez
Dept. of Animal Sci.
North Carolina State Univ.
P.O. Box 7626
Raleigh, NC 27695-7126
(919) 515-2019
FAX: (919) 515-7780

Dr. Rafael Hernandez Gonzalez
National Univ. of Mexico
Fac. Med. Veterinariay Zootecnia
MEXICO, D.F. 04510
52 (525) 622-5893
FAX: 52 (525) 616-2343

Dr. Helmut A. Gordon
720 Colony Court, #11
Niles, MI 49120
(616) 683-1884

Dr. Janice Greenwood

Ms. Wetonia [Toni] Grenther
Lab Animal Resources
4700 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27606
(919) 513-6561
FAX: (919) 829-4283

Dr. Richard Griesemer
Deputy Director
P.O. Box 12233
Research Triangle Pk., NC 27709
(919) 541-3267
FAX: (919) 541-2260

Dr. Henri F.L. Guiot
University Hospital of Leiden
Bldg. 1-C6-Q-105
2333 AA Leiden

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Dr. Patrick J. Halloran

Dr. Thomas Hamm Jr.
105 Martinique Place
Cary, NC 27511
[email protected]

Mr. Hal P. Harlan, Pres.
Harlan Sprague Dawley, Inc.
P.O. Box 29176
Indianapolis, IN 46229
(317) 894-7521
FAX: (317) 894-4473

Dr. Kazuo Hashimoto
Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Div. of Host Defense Mechanisms
Tokai University School of Med.
Bohseidai Isehara
Kanagawa 259-11
81-0463-93-1121, Ext. 2593
FAX: 81-0463-94-2976
[email protected]

Dr. Edward A. Havell
Dept. of Microbiol., Pathol., & Parasitol.
College of Veterinary Med.
N. Carolina State University
4700 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27606
(919) 515-6184
FAX: (919) 515-4237
[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Heidt
Dept. of Immunobiology
Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC)
Lange Kleiweg 151, P.O. Box 3306
2280 GH - Rijswijk
31-15-284-27-23; 284-26-99 [s]
FAX: 31-15-284-39-99
[email protected]

Dr. W.D.H. Hendriks
Central Bact. Lab.
Schiedamsedijk 95
3011 EN Rotterdam

Dr. James B. Heneghan
Dept. of Surgery
L.S.U. School of Medicine
1542 Tulane Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 568-4770, 4762
FAX: (504) 568-3305, 4633
[email protected]

Dr. David J. Hentges
Dept. of Microbiology
Texas Tech. University
Health Science Center
Lubbock, TX 79430
(806) 743-2545
FAX: (806) 743-2334

Dr. Milo Hilty, Dir.
Clinical Res./Infectious Diseases
Ross Products Div.
Abbott Laboratories
625 Cleveland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215-1724
(614) 624-3953
FAX: (614) 624-3649

Ms. Karen Holland

Dr. Herbert Hooijkaas
Dept. of Immunology
Box 1738, Erasmus University
3000 DR Rotterdam

Ms. Leslie Hopper
Divis. Comp. Medicine
Mass. Instit. Technology
37 Vassar St., Bldg. 45-104
I Cambridge, MA 02139-4507
(617) 253-1757
FAX: (617) 258-5708

Mrs. Ruth G. Hoyt
Gnotobiotics Dept.
Taconic Farms
273 Hover Ave.
Germantown, NY 12526
(518) 537-5200
FAX: (518) 537-7287

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Dr. Masamichi Ikeda
Faculty of Nutrition
Kobe-Gakuin University
Kobe 651-21
81-78-974-1551, Ext. 2144
FAX: 81-78-974-5689

Dr. Kikuji Itoh
Dept. of Veterinary Public Health
Faculty of Agriculture
The University of Tokyo
Tokyo 113
81-3-3812-2111, Ext. 5476
FAX: 81-3-5800-6918
[email protected]

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Dr. Bodil Lund Jacobsen
Institute of Toxicology
National Food Agency of Denmark
Morkhoj Bygade 19

Ms. Joyce Jividen
Wehr Biocontainment Center
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm & Carlton St.
Buffalo, NY 14263
(716) 845-8761
FAX: (716) 845-8221

Dr. Bryon Johnson
Dept. of Pediatrics
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 456-4123
FAX: (414) 266-8642

Dr. J. Miriam Jones
5900 Delhi Rd.
Mount St. Joseph, OH 45051
(513) 347-5313

Mrs. Wilma F.L.M. Jung
Institute for Microbiology
Kornmarkt 34
D35745 Herborn-Dill
FAX: 49-2772- 931-148

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Dr. S. S. Kalter
Virus Reference Lab., Inc.
7540 Louis Pasteur
Suite 202
San Antonio,TX 78229

Dr. Mearl A. Kilmore
Dept. of Physiology
College of Osteopathic Med. & Surg.
3200 Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50312
(515) 271-1435
FAX: (515) 271-1714

Dr. Untae Kim
4720 Main
Snyder, NY 14226
(716) 839-3960

Dr. Yoon B. Kim
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Dept. Microbiology and Immunology
3333 Green Bay Rd.
North Chicago, IL 60064
(847) 578-8847 (direct) -3230 (Laura C. Berendson)
FAX: (847) 775-6557
[email protected]

Dr. Shuichi Kimura
Showa Women's University
Taishido, Setagayaku
Tokyo 154
81-3- 344-5111
FAX: 81-33-411-5171

Dr. R. J. Kinkler
Animal Resources/DSE
Pfizer, Inc.
Central Research Div.
Eastern Point Rd.
Groton, CT 06340
(203) 441-4108
FAX: (203) 441-3665

Dr. Dennis J. Kitz
Dept. of Biological Sci., Campus Box 1651
So. Illinois University @ Edwardsville
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1651
(618) 692-3927
FAX: (618) 692-3174

Dr. David E.B. Knudsen
Director, Research & Development
Simonsen Lab., Inc.
1180-C Day Rd.
Gilroy, CA 95020
(408) 847-2002
FAX: (408) 847-4176
[email protected]

Dr. Michio Komai
Laboratory of Nutrition
Faculty of Agriculture
Tohoku University
Tsutsumidori Amamiyamachi
Sendai 981
81-22-272-4321, Ext. 326
FAX: 81-22-272-1870

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Dr. J. A. Laissue
Inst. of Pathology
University of Berne
Murtentrasse 31
Ch-3010 Berne
41-31-632-32-21, 22
FAX: 41-31-382-00-65
[email protected]

Mr. Lucien B. Landry
Senior Operations Manager
Univ. of Texas System Cancer Ctr.
Veterinary Resources Div.
Science Park, Box 151-B1, Rt. 2
Bastrop, TX 78602
(512) 321-3991
FAX: (512) 332-5208

Dr. C. Max Lang
George T. Harrell Prof. & Chair.
Dept. Comparative Medicine
M. S. Hershey Medical Center
Pennsylvania State University
P.O. Box 850
Hershey, PA 17033
(215) 531-8462
[email protected]

Dr. Vincent F. LaRussa, Assoc. Dir.
Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Tulane Univ. Cancer Center
1430 Tulane Ave., SL-34
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 585-6404
FAX: (504) 988-7740

Dr. G. David Ledney, Chairman
Dept. Radiation Medicine
8901 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20889-5603
(301) 295-1354: 330-4942 [H]
FAX: (301) 295-6503

Dr. Gwen E. Lee-Talham
Univ. of Lab. Animal Resources
100 Blockley Hall
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018
(215) 898-5599
FAX: (215) 898-8780

Mr. Norman Lefebvre
COVANCE Res. Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 7200
Denver, PA 17517
(717) 336-4921
FAX: (717) 336-5344

Dr. Rafael Leyva Munoz
Apartadd Postal 14-740
Centro De Investigacion Estudios
Avanzados Del I.P.N.
Mexico, 07000, D.F., MEXICO
52 (905) 797-7000
FAX: 52 (905) 797-7002

Mrs. Louise I. Lindholm
TLR Designs
P.O. Box 1845
Paletine, IL 60067-1845
(847) 776-1321
FAX: (847) 358-7207; (708) 354-7207

Mr. James R. Lindsey

Dr. Jin-zhou Liu
Ross Products Division pd 98
Abbott Laboratories
625 Cleveland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 624-3460
FAX: (614) 624-3453

Dr. Ciro Lometi
San Fernando Ave., #22
Dept. of Veterinary Med.
Mexican Cancer Inst.
MEXICO, D.F. 16000
FAX: 52-525-550-0048

Mr. Eddie L. Loyd
16396 Old Highway 68
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
(501) 248-1754
(800) 320-2459
FAX: (501) 248-7727
[email protected]

Ms. Georga Loyd
16396 Old Highway 68
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
(501) 248-1754
(800) 320-2459
FAX: (501) 248-7727

Mrs. Phyllis Luckert
221 Marquette Ave.
South Bend, IN 46617
(219) 239-7564

Mr. Brian Lyons

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Dr. Thomas T. MacDonald
Dept. Lab. Ped. Gastroenterol.
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Rm. 41
59 Bartholomew Close
London EC1A 7BE , UK
FAX: 47-71-796-3753

Mr. Frank J. Marinaccio
Lab Products, Inc.
56 W. Glen Ave.
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
(201) 843-4600
FAX: (201) 843-6040

Dr. Frank J. Mascaro
7309 Balla
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
(716) 743-0250

Dr. Anthony Mastromarino
Office of Vice Pres. for Research
U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Ctr.
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Box 101
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 792-3391
FAX: (713) 795-0915
[email protected]

Dr. Arpad Matray
Babolna, HUNGARY

Mr. Thomas Matthew
Lab Animal
345 Park Ave. So.
10th Floor
New York, NY 10010-1701
(212) 726-9265; (800) 989-7718
FAX: (212) 696-9482; (800) 989-7103

Dr. Peter J. Matthews
10046 161st Street
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
(715) 382-4404
FAX: (715) 382-4462

Mr. Frank McDonald
Transport Container Corporation
Germfree Mouse Shippers
P.O. Box 163183
Columbus, OH 43216
(614) 459-8140
FAX: (614) 459-9165

Dr. Michael P. McGarry
Dept. of Lab Animal Resources
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm & Carlton Streets
Buffalo, NY 14263
(716) 845-5830
FAX: (716) 845-8221
[email protected]

Mr. Colin McKerlie

Dr. Ronald M. McLaughlin, Dir.
Office of Lab. Animal Med.
University of Missouri
M144, Medical Science Bldg.
Columbia, MO 65212
(573) 882-3111
FAX: (573) 884-4345
[email protected]

Dr. James McLinden

Mr. James R. McNeill

Dr. Didier Meyer
La Calhene
1 Rue du Petit Clamart-BP 50
78142 Velizy Cedex
FAX: 33-1-46-30-8730

Dr. Suzanne M. Michalek
Dept. of Microbiology
Univ. Alabama @ Birmingham
845 So. 19th St., BBRB 258/5
Birmingham, AL 35294-2170
(205) 934-3470
FAX: (205) 934-1426
[email protected]

Dr. Tore Midtvedt, Chairman
Lab of Medical Microbial Ecology
Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology
Karolinska Institutet
Doktorsringen 4A, 1 tr
P.O. Box 60 400
S-171 77 Stockholm
FAX: 46-8-313-918
[email protected]

Mr. Edward Miedel
Hilltop Lab. Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 183
Scottdale, PA 15683
(800) 245-6921
(412) 887-8480
FAX: (412) 887-3582
[email protected]

Mr. Satch Miedel
Hilltop Lab. Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 183
Scottdale, PA 15683
(800) 245-6921
; (412) 887-8480
FAX: (412) 887-3582

Dr. Gianpaolo Milite
Animal Care
FRAR Instit. for Vet. R & D
SALZI Azzida
33049 S. Pietro Al Natisone
FAX: 0432-727-258

Dr. O. Paul Miniats
30 Eleanor Court
Guelph, Ontario
(519) 824-9844
FAX: (519) 824-8418

Dr. Edwin A. Mirand
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm & Carlton Streets
Buffalo, NY 14263
(716) 845-3095, 3028
FAX: (716) 845-8178

Dr. Lennart Moller
Dept. of Medical Nutrition
Center for Nutrition & Toxicology
Research Park NOVUM
Karolinska Institute
S-14157 Huddinge
Stockholm, Sweden
FAX: 46-8-774-6833

Maj. Brent C. Morse

Mr. Lloyd M. Mountford
Allentown Caging Equip. Co.
3252 Wene Hill Rd.
Brookville, IN 47012
(317) 647-2776
FAX: (317) 647-3858

Dr. Silvia Beleza Moura
Dept. de Microbiologia
Inst. de Ciencias Biologicas
Caixa Postal 486 - UFMG
30.161-970 Belo Horizonte
FAX: 55-31-441-5963

Dr. Kathy Murray
Charles River Labs
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-6000
FAX: (508) 658-7132
[email protected]

Dr. David D. Myers
Box 201
Mt. Dessert, ME 04660-0201
(207) 288-6320
FAX: (207) 288-6276

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Top of Page |


Dr. Jacques Nicoli
Departamento de Microbiologia
Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas
Caixa Postal 486 - UFMG
30.161-970 Belo Horizonte
FAX: 55-31-441-5963

Dr. Elisabeth Norin
Lab of Medical Microbial Ecology
Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology
Karolinska Institutet
Doktorsringen 4A, 1 tr
S-171 77 Stockholm
FAX: 46-8-313-918
[email protected]

Ms. Norma Norris
Calgon Vestal
Steris Corporation
7405 Page Ave.
P.O. Box 147
St. Louis, MO 63166
(314) 535-3062
FAX: (314) 535-2998

Mr. Gary Novak
Oncology Ctr. Animal Resources
Rm SB 254, Johns Hopkins Univ.
600 N. Wolfe St.
Baltimore, MD 21287-8904
(410) 955-2073
FAX: (410) 955-5844

Dr. LaWayne T. Nusz

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Mr. John G. Olack
Department of Pediatrics
Washington University
400 S. Kingshighway
St. Louis, MO 63178
(314) 454-6000
[email protected]

Mr. Patrick Oles

Dr. Roger P. Orcutt, Pres.
Biomedical Research Associates
745 Park Avenue
Dunkirk, NY 14048
(716) 366-8165
[email protected]

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Ms. Beth Page
Cancer Center Isolation Facility
P. O. Box 3684
Duke Univ. Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
(919) 684-3323
FAX: (919) 684-8751

Dr. Liviu Panta
Gnotobiology Lab. I.C.V.B.
Inst. De Medicima Veterinara Pasteur RA
Cal Giulesti, 333
Sec. 6, Bucharest
FAX: 40-1-618-5803
Telex 10238

Mr. John J. Paulonis
82 Bellmore Ave.
P.O. Box 40
Point Lookout, NY 11569
(516) 222-0023
FAX: (516) 222-0114

Dr. Barbara A. Peri
2 Tortoise Lane
Falmouth, MA 02540
(508) 548-2769

Dr. Alain Perrot
Domaine des Incins, BP 109
69210 L'Arbresle

Dr. Laszlo Pesti (deceased 2004)
1141 Budapest
Almos Vezer Park 4

Dr. A.G. Peters, Tech. Dir.
Harlan OLAC, Shaws Farm
Blackthorn, Bicester,
Oxon OX6 OTP England, UK
FAX: 0101-0869-246759

Dr. Finn B. Petersen
Clinical Director
Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Div. of Hematology-Oncology
Univ. of Utah Medical Ctr.
50 North Medical Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84132
(801) 585-3229
FAX: (801) 585-3432

Dr. Douglas E. Peterson
Dept. of Oral Diagnosis
Univ. of Connecticut Sch. of Dental Med.
Farmington, CT 06030-1605
(860) 679-2952
FAX: (860) 679-4760
[email protected]

Dr. Arthur W. Phillips
Department of Biology
Syracuse University
108 College Place
122 Lyman Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-1270
(315) 443-2156
FAX: (315) 443-2012

Dr. Bruce Phillips
3 Hillery Way
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 881-5091

Dr. John R. Phythyon
Biology Department
St. Norbert College, Reid St.
DePere, WI 54115-2099
(414) 337-3200
FAX: (414) 337-4033

Dr. Marius Pirvulescu
Gnotobiology Lab. I.C.V.B.
Inst. De Medicima Veterinara Pasteur RA
Cal Giulesti, 333
Sec. 6, Bucharest
FAX: 40-1-618-5803
Telex 10238

Dr. Julian Pleasants
52361 Gumwood Rd.
Granger, IN 46530
(219) 272-3186

Dr. Gennady I. Podoprigora, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.
Deputy Director
Institute of Cytochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
P.O. Box 6, Moscow 115409, Russia
[email protected]

Dr. Morris Pollard
Lobund Laboratory
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
(219) 631-7564
FAX: (219) 631-8583

Dr. Frederic I. Preffer
Dept. of Pathology, Cox-5
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 726-7481
FAX: (617) 726-2365

Dr. George Pucak
COVANCE Research Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 7200
Denver, PA 17517
(717) 336-4921
FAX: (717) 336-5344

Dr. S.M. Purcell
Pfizer Inc.
Central Research Div.
Eastern Point Rd.
Groton, CT 06340
(203) 441-4100
FAX: (203) 441-3665

Dr. Kailash S. Purohit

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Dr. Richard J. Rahija
Div. of Lab. Animal Resoureces
Duke University
P.O. Box 3180; DUMC
Durham, NC 27710
(919) 684-6745
FAX: (919) 684-8610
[email protected]

Dr. N.S. Ramamurthy
Dept. of Oral Biol. & Pathol.
School Dental Med., Bldg. L, RM 100
SUNY @ Stony Brook South Campus
Stony Brook, NY ll7911-8702
(516) 724-5887, 246-2878

Mr. Frank Razzaboni
Park Bioservices, LLC
15 Union Street, 5th Floor
Lawrence, MA 01840
(800) 947-5226; (978) 794-8500
FAX. (978) 794-0307
[email protected]

Mr. Clarence R. Reeder
Biological Testing Branch
Fairview Center, Suite 205
1003 W. 7th St.
Frederick, MD 21701-8527
(301) 846-5065
FAX: (301) 846-6183

Mr. Dave L. Regan
917 E. Chilson
Lansing, MI 48906
(800) 866-7527; (517) 372-7177
FAX: (517) 372-2857

Dr. Randall Reynolds
Glaxo, Inc.
P.O. Box 13358
5 Moore Dr., 2.2210
Research Triangle Pk, NC 27709
(919) 990-4630
FAX: (919) 990-6382

Ms. Sharon L. Ricketts

Dr. Antonio Paulino Ribeiro Sobrinho
Laboratorio Gnotobiologia
Departamento de Bioquimica-Imunologia
Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas
Caixa Postal 486 - UFMG
30.161-970 Belo Horizonte
FAX: 55-31-441-5963

Ms. Frances O. Robinson
1935 Hertel Ave., #4
Buffalo, NY 14214
(716) 838-6105

Dr. Sam Rosen
3625 Ridgewood Dr.
Hilliard, OH 43026
(614) 876-7918

Dr. Coleman Rotstein
McMaster Medical Unit
Henderson General Hospital
711 Concession St.
Hamilton, Ontario
(905) 574-3301
FAX: (905) 575-7320

Dr. Harry Rozmiarek
U. Laboratory Animal Resources
100 Blockley Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021
(215) 898-9026

Mr. Ronald Ruggiero
Steris Corporation
5960 Heisley Rd.
Mentor, OH 44060
(800) 444-9009
FAX: (216) 350-7077

Dr. Volker C. Rusch
Institute for Microbiology
Kornmarkt 34
D35745 Herborn-Dill
FAX: 49-2772-931-148

Dr. Benjamin F. Rush, Jr.
Department of Surgery
New Jersey Sch. of Med. & Dentistry
90 Bergen St., Suite 7200
Newark, NJ 07103-2499
(201) 982-2540
FAX: (201) 982-2407

Dr. Robert J. Russell
Dir., Lab. Animal Medicine
P.O. Box 29176-0176
Indianapolis, IN 46229
(317) 894-7521
FAX: (317) 894-4473

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Dr. Bunsaku Sakakibara
Faculty of Nutrition
Kobe-Gakuin University
Kobe 651-21
(078) 974-1551, 1552, Ext. 2140
FAX: (078) 974-5689

Dr. Shogo Sasaki
President, School of Nursing
Tokai Univ. School of Medicine
Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Div. Host Defense Mechanisms
Boseidai Isehara
Kanagawa 259-11
81-0463-93-1121, Ext.2111
FAX: 81-0463-94-2976; 81-3-3704-2395

Dr. Russell W. Schaedler
320 Delaney St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 923-6513

Mr. Robert S. Sedlacek
2218 Jackson Blvd., #3
Rapid City, SD 57702

Dr. Trudie L. Seeger
Neoprobe Corporation
425 Metro Place North
Dublin, OH 43017-1367
(614) 793-7500
FAX: (614) 793-7520

Mr. Jerry H. Shapiro
Pharmacal Research Laboratories, Inc.
33 Great Hill Rd.
Naugatuck, CT 06770-0369
(800) 243-5350; (203) 729-5237
FAX: (203) 729-5230

Mr. Kenneth B. Shapiro
Pharmacal Research Laboratories, Inc.
33 Great Hill Rd.
Naugatuck, CT 06770-0369
(800) 243-5350; (203) 729-5237
FAX: (203) 729-5230

Dr. Khushroo E. Shroff
Univ. Lab. Animal Resources
100 Blockley Hall
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018
(215) 898-5599
FAX: (215) 898-8780

Dr. Urmas Siigur
Lab. Medical Microbial Ecology Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology
Karolinska Institutet
Doktorsringen 4a, 1 tr
P.O. Box 60 400
S-171 77 Stockholm
FAX: 46-8-313-918

Dr. Marcelo Eustaquio Silva
Escola de Nutricao
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Morro de Cruzeiro
35400-000 Ouro Preto, MG
FAX: 55-31-3559-1329
[email protected]

Dr. Bud Skelly
9 Augusta Lane
Edison, NJ 08820-3858
(908) 549-6004

Dr. Shimon Slavin, Head
Dept. BMT & Immunol. Res.
Hadassah UNIV. Hospital
P.O. Box 1200
ISRAEL 91120
FAX: 972-2-422-731

Dr. J. Snel
Nutrition, Quality and Safety
Kernhemseweg 2
P.O. Box 20
6710 BA Ede
31 (0)318 659511
FAX: 31 (0)318 650400
[email protected]

Dr. David L. Snyder
1844 Rockwell Rd.
Abington, PA 19001
(215) 830-9735

Dr. Mary Ann South
316 S. Avenue H
Portales, NY 88130

Mr. Roger J. Spaete
National Animal Disease Lab.
P.O. Box 70
2300 Dayton Rd.
Ames, IA 50010
(515) 239-8380
FAX: (515) 239-8458
[email protected]

Dr. Alex S. Spiers

Dr. Kunwar K. Srivastava
Dept. of Pathol. & Parasitol.
School of Veterinary Med.
Tuskegee Univ.
Tuskegee, AL 36088
(205) 724-4106

Mrs. Marylou L. Stott
Dept. of Radiation Oncology
870l Watertown Pike Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 257-8751

Dr. Takiko Sugiyama
2-9-9 Himonya
Tokyo 152
FAX: 81-3-3716-6678

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Dr. Seiki Tazume
Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Div. of Host Defense Mechanisms
Tokai Univ. School of Medicine
Boseidai Isehara
Kanagawa 259-11
81-0463-93-1121, Ext. 2593
FAX: 81-0463-94-2976

Ms. Sally A. Thomas, Mgr.
Thoren Caging Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 58699
Hazelton, PA 18201
(717) 455-5041
FAX: (717) 454-3500
[email protected]

Ms. Katherine Thompson

Mr. Roy M. Tietjen
Lab. Animal Science
Smith Kline & Beechman Pharma.
709 Swedeland Rd.
Swedeland, PA 19406
(215) 270-5101

Mr. Thomas G. Tlusty
Duke Univ. Medical Ctr.
DLAR, Vivarium Bldg.
P.O. Box 3180
Research Dr.
Durham, NC 27710
(919) 684-2797
[email protected]

Dr. Marcia Fantoni Torres
Departamento de Pediatrics
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas
Rva Pirapetinga 204/300 - UFMG
30.220-150 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Dr. John J. Trentin
8803 Wildridge Dr.
Austin, TX 778759-7328

Mr. Robert A. Treveiler

Dr. Philip C. Trexler
512 Newcroft Place
West Vancouver, BC V7T 1W8
Email not used

Secondary U.S. address
P.M.B. 109
1125 Fir Avenue
Blaine, WA 98230
(As of 27 May 2007)

Dr. Robert L. Truitt
Dept. of Pediatrics
Medical College of Wisconsin
MACC Fund Research Center
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226-3548
(414) 456-4163
FAX: (414) 266-8642
[email protected]

Ms. Patricia Turner

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Dr. Joseph S. Valenti
Dept. Obstetrics/Gynecology
Denton Medical Center
30 Royal Oaks Circle
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 483-1282
[email protected]

Ms. Muriel Vanden Oever

Dr. Dirk van der Waaij
Hoge Herenweg 50
9756 TJ-Glimmen
[email protected]

Nancy Van Houten
Univ. North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7080
(919) 843-6914
FAX: (919) 966-6842
[email protected]

Dr. Dick Veenendaal
Dept. of Medische Microbiol.
Public Health Laboratory
P.O. Box 21020
8900 JA Leeuwarden
FAX: 31-58-939-200

Dr. Enio Cardillo Vieira
Rua Piaui, 1762, Apt. 508
30150-321 Belo Horizonte, MG
Tel. 55-31-3221-5150
Fax 55-31-3221-4799
[email protected]

Dr. Leda Q. Vieira
Lab. de Gnotobiologia
Dept. de Bioquimica-Imunologia
Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas
Caixa Postal 486 - UFMG
30.161-970 Belo Horizonte
FAX: 55-31-441-5963
[email protected]

Dr. Jaak Vossen
Dept. of Pediatrics
Univ. Hospital Leiden
Bldg. 1; J6S
P.O. Box 9600
2300 AA Leiden
FAX: 31-71-248-198

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Dr. R. Doug Wagner (HFT-250)
National Center of Toxicological Res.
Microbiology Dept.
3900 NCTR Dr.
Jefferson, AR 72079-9502
(870) 543-7434
FAX: (870) 543-7307
[email protected]

Dr. Glenn L. Waxler
1889 Creek Landing
Haslett, MI 48840-9765
(517) 332-8825

Dr. Heinz Weber
Klingental 7
CH4058 Basel
FAX: 41-61-681-0650

Dr. Gjalt W. Welling
Lab. Med. voor Microbiol.
Oostersingel 59
97l3 EZ Groningen
FAX: 31-50-633-528

Dr. Carol L. Wells
Dept. of Lab. Med. & Pathol.
Minnesota Health Sci. Ctr.
Box 609 Mayo
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 625-5951
FAX: (612) 625-5901
[email protected]

Mr. William J. White
Charles River Labs., Inc.
251 Ballardvale St.
Wilmington, MA 01887
(508) 658-6000, Ext. 1347
FAX: (508) 658-3601

Dr. Charles K. Whitehair
304 Droste Circle
East Lansing, MI 48823
(517) 337-0019

Rev. Joseph B. Wilson, Ph.D.
1702 Chestnut Street
Williamsport, PA 17701-2526
(570) 321-6941, (570) 326-8000

Dr. Kathryn M. Wise
Dept. of Biology
Moorhead State Univ.
Moorhead, MN 56560
(218) 236-2331

Dr. James P. Witter
Div. of Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic & Ophthalmologic Drugs
FDA (HFD-550)
9201 Corporate Blvd., Rm. N-367
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 827-2506
FAX: (301) 827-2531
[email protected]

Rena S. Wong
16122 8th Ave. S.W.
Building E-5
Burien , WA 98166

Dr. B.S. Wostmann
16977 Adams Rd.
Granger, IN 46530
(219) 631-9220
FAX: (219) 277-8895
[email protected]

Mr. Peter N. Wright
1852 Schenectady Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(718) 951-6810

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Dr. Charles E. Yale
209 Farwell Dr.
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 249-6143

Dr. Tsutomu Yoshida

Dr. John W. Yrios
Biology Dept.
Edgewood College
855 Woodrow St.
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 257-4861, Ext. 3250
[email protected]

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Dr. Ana Gabriela Zerpa Barrera
Apartadd Postal 14-740
Centro De Investigacion Estudios
Avanzados Del I.P.N.
Mexico, 07000, D.F., MEXICO
52 (905) 797-7000
FAX: 52 (905) 797-7002